Vinformatix announces Federal Contract
Press Release 07.19.21 Baton Rouge, LA, July 19, 2021. Vinformatix is proud to announce the award of a Federal Contract with the National Science Foundation as a partner with Agile Business Concepts, LLC, from D.C. The two year single award IDIQ is valued at $4 million. Under this contract, we will provide Expert Analytic and […]

VINFORMATIX FOUNDER & CEO Named to 2020 Class of Influential Women in Business
Padma Vatsavai, Founder & CEO of Vinformatix, was one of eight capital-area business leaders inducted into Baton Rouge Business Report’s 2020 Class of Influential Women in Business. When asked about her perseverance and resiliency as a non-native minority business owner during Business Report’s celebratory webcast, Padma responded, “It meant knocking on a lot of doors […]
Vinformatix Partners to Deliver Open, Transparent Government
MyBR App Recognized by Bloomberg Center for Government Excellence Baton Rouge, LA – March 15, 2024 – In honor of Sunshine Week, Bloomberg Centers forGovernment in Excellence (GovEx) recognized Baton Rouge’s recently launched app, MyBR,and celebrated the innovation for providing accessibility and transparency for citizens.Vinformatix worked alongside Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome and her administrationto develop […]
10 Small Business Growth Strategies for 2022
As a proud member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, we are honored to have been mentioned in their article 10 Small Business Growth Strategies for 2022. By Lauren Wingo, Contributor To poise your business for success in 2022, consider these expert tips to leverage current trends and set effective growth strategies. Just like many […]
Vinformatix Announces 8(a) JV – The PV Group
Baton Rouge Business ReportSeptember 27, 2021-By Stephanie Riegel Baton Rouge-based IT firm Vinformatix is positioning itself for growth in the government contracting sector through a new joint venture with The Parnin Group, an Alexandria, Virginia, consulting firm that specializes in working with governmental agencies. The 8(a) joint venture, which will be called PV Group LLC, […]

The Power of Data-Driven Decision Making
The migration to a data-driven society does not alter the way business in conducted; rather, it enhances customer experiences, optimizes performance and operations and provides business with deep knowledge…

Never A Vendor Be
Yes, sales is essential to business. But where sales is largely transactional, partnership is relational. It hinges on shared responsibility and shared success.
Developing for the Accessible Web: Section 508
Have you ever tried to browse the Web without a monitor? Or enter a URL without a keyboard? This is something like the everyday experience of many who rely on assistive technologies to access the Internet.

“Padma’s deep expertise in the development and application of cutting-edge technologies will be essential to the work of the Small Business Council,”

Tech Leaders of “Silicon Bayou”
Vatsavai and her team have successfully grown the business organically by producing high-quality results that generate word-of-mouth referrals.